I’ve been trying to make water out of fabric since I moved out of the painting studio and into the fiber department in my junior year at university. Greatly influenced by Morris Louis’s poured paint Veil Paintings, I also knew by standing by water and looking you need layers to really express it.

Water and light are my lode stones. They ground me in place. Strangely, I came to love lakes later in life as I’ve alway been a lover of rivers. Rivers are constantly changing and by watching them, you can see change happen.

I use material and paint and thread to help the viewer see the world as I see it, feel the world as I feel it. I try and show the combinations of textures and colors That I notice in the natural world made from found and created materials til my eye recognises that there is enough to transmit the feeling of the place.

The Farm at the Arboretum, 38” x22” , Fiber Mixed Media

Grassy Shore 54”x26” Fiber mixed media . Minnesota is a place of summer lakes and wetlands keeping the water clear.

Tree on the Prairie at the Arboretum 12” x 24” , Fiber Mixed Media

Pool in the Distance, 24” x 18” Fiber Mixed Media

Summer Pool 18” x18” , Fiber Mixed Media

The Before Triptych, 24”x60” mixed media fiber art. Minnesota before European settlement of the forests and prairies.

Lake of the Isles, 24”x20” mixed media fiber art. Minneapolis committed to keeping natural beauty as parks as it grew.

Isles Luminaires, 18”x22” mixed media fiber art. Celebrating the community and beauty in south Minneapolis at mid winter

Skyline Across Bde Maka Ska, 18”x24” mixed media fiber art. Minneapolis is built on the places first named by the Dakota people who lived here for millennia.

Aspens. 14”x13” mixed media fiber art. Aspens grow best where soils are moist and sunshine is plentiful.

The Colonies That Gave Us Soil , 29” x 38” Fiber Mixed Media